By Gala
Date: 17 October 2000

Love Letter

All right.
I admit to thirteen year old behavior.
To locking myself in the bathroom
and tearing it open
with an obvious lack of decorum.
To drinking in every word,
committing each bit of punctuation to heart,
and I haven't even gotten to the point
where I agonize over the "i Love you's"
was that a passionate I love you,
or a garden variety casual i love you,
and the part about fetching me the moon---
well yes...that sounds like serious interest,
but i never assume.
I admit to lying on the bed
and hugging the pages to myself
and smiling
and just about bursting with the wonder of it.
A love letter.
From you.
To me.
now I got that out of my system
and can go back to being a grown up.


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