By Kare Bare
Date: 29 October 2000

Forever Friends for Eternity

There is a bond that will always be strong.  There are feelings deep inside of me that i'll never let go.  Because of such a bond, a bond that i'll call love, i'm letting you go, letting you fly free. I understand a bond of three years is more than a bond of a weekend.  I don't know what happened and I may not understand, but second chances are sometimes a great plan.  Maybe one day you'll give "us" a chance.  A chance to grow, blossom, and learn.  You have a life that you have built for 22 years.  Don't let me stop that, don't let me interfer.  Built more to your life, make it happy and strong.  Just remember i'll be waiting for you if ever you might need me.  I've tried to let you go on with the life you've started.  To let you fly free and to let you see what is good for you and maybe for me.  But everytime I close my eyes, there you are looking at me.  Your deep eyes and your sense of reality.  How am I to let you go, but if only for love and caring too.  I care so much that I want you to go on and see what might spark yet once again with your old flame.  With one old flame they become new.  Listen to your heart and you will find that there isn't anything that is more knid, then the sound of love and caring of mind.  My mind says "NO", but my heart says "You have to let go!"  Remember me and I will be your forever friend for eternity.  Always a friend, maybe a lover, once in your heart and under your cover.  Keep me safe within your heart.  Maybe you'll come back and maybe you won't.  Time will tell and only you will know, just know that I will be here, Waiting for you my dear(Babyface).  You will always be in my heart and that will never change.  If ever you forget and don't know where to go, just remember your trip to Indiana, and the laughs, fun, and love we sowed.  Remember the girl you met, don't let the go. A forever friend has a bond that is forever and neverending.  That is why you can count on me.  Though it is hard right now for me to see, let me have my emotions, just let me be.  

Thanks Dan for the Memories!

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