By sarah
Date: 3 October 2000


i listened to a discordant piece of music
as it tugged away at the strings
attached to my beat up heart
the minor keys pulling my emotions
higher and higher
then the highest soprano could sing
of her agony
and of a lover lost to a midnight dream
and then i hear the voice breaking
coming down, key by key
the half notes
haltingly calling out the pieces of the heart
that were falling
a heartbreakingly beautiful sense of pain
so acute
could this music be my heart played out
by someones interpretation
could love be so pure in its music
that we all feel that our souls are written
on blank sheets
filling only small lines at a time
i heard her voice begin to rise again
calling out to the skies
calling out to the gods of the earth
asking the infinite question of why
and where has her lovers body been put to rest
i can feel the tears on her face now
for they are on my face
i can feel her body bowing to the grief
as mine is now tumbling down
her eyes are closed now
to see anything now is pain
shadows are welcome, not the bright light of the moon
with its hopefull grin
hope does not come in these notes of sorrow
and her voice falls yet again
and it lies there
calling me to join it as we
seek sanctuary
for a requiem  yet to come

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