By it dosent matter
Date: 3 October 2000


lol trust ?
rofl trust?
hell to trust is easy
but thats not the question
the question lies in how u trust
my friend is a thief
i know this  
i also know if times are tough
he will be there for me
as much as he can
but leave my wallet out for him?
why? temptation is the key
i walk down the street, i trust all i meet
yet few will i offer my wallet to
as for my heart , ah the most open gift of all
for i trust with it without bounds
lol yes i do, its there to be steped on  
there to be crushed
why ? how ? u cant ? heh but i do
i find most will treat you as u do them
again a key
and the ones that wont?
lol im working on them

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