By terry
Date: 6 October 2000

May I Paint You?

“May I paint you?
Show you what I see,
In my soul.
In my hidden heart.
Which only an artist’s eye can discern?
I want to paint your passion, your desire,
Your need to feel love till your toes curl
In sweet ecstasy.
And that’s just in your eyes alone.”
Thus, I spoke my courage today
With this one simple request, an offer of sorts…
And oh, sweet heaven she said yes…

So there she lays amid the silk pillows and satin brocade
One lush, languid curve from shoulder to calf
A vision of Venus, fresh from the sea
So I take sable to hand
And begin to gently stroke the canvas
Caress it with an undertone of peach hued gold
Ripe and succulent calling to the tongue.
Rounded cheek, curved falling shoulder
A seductive clash of ivory against tan.
Rose blushed breast, heavy laden
Tipped with a dark coffee coloured bud
That draws the eye as a bee to the nectar
Of a sun drenched posey, at rest.

And as a consummate artist consumed
With soul shaking passion
I look down to see my hand
Coated in cerulean and jade
Leaving a streak of ocean across milky white thigh
As it seeks that tangle of seaweed
And touch of the primal saltwater
With a will all its own
That will begin this living masterpiece in earnest.
As my heart beats crimson
And my eyes are tinged red
As my tongue touches golden brown
But tastes the nectar of your core.
I will paint this seduction with every ounce of talent
And every stroke of passion
Any artist could command.

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