By ashamed
Date: 22 October 2000

Secret Love

Secret Love

Your sparkling eyes caught mine
and my heart instantly melted,
but I know that this has to be secret
kept from everone, mostly you.

Your laugh, your smile, the way you sleep,
all keep my heart focused on you,
but i lay low and wait for the day,
when you say you care too.

My love is a secret, so dark and
intense that no one, no one but me
can tell the truth about you, and
my secret love will always be just that...
a secret.

You come to me to mend your heart,
and wipe your tears, but as I do,
I hold mine inside, knowing you dont
care about me as I do you.

So I ask you to look at me, and
think of me as a different person,
Someone who can please you, someone
who's secret love could hold you tight...


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