Date: 27 October 2000

Suspended Animation

I just need some time
To sort out this mess
There is a danger here
Alone with all my thoughts
They are all of you
How did I get this way?
What did you do to me?
I never could have seen myself
Where I find I am
And yet this weakness
Is my only strength
And this trap
Is my only release
Where this leads
I cannot see
Perhaps I lack the foresight
To see what is to come
But, that's okay
All I need is now
In this cocoon of suspended animation
I have found myself wholly changed
You know, but you don't
And my eyes never really see
Then again, neither do yours
This standstill isn't the impass
That I've dreaded for so long
It's a time of reflection
That I can use to help me
To help ease my troubled mind
To help fight these fears and these demons
If I walk away from this
I'm no better than they say
If I run away
Then I'd leave part of myself
In your arms
And my head is screaming
But, the film is a silent black an dwhite
So my heart is beating
I know the rhythm
I know the meaning
Something I both welcome and dread
But, I don't doubt myself
I don't doubt my actions
THere are doubts around me though
I doubt that anyone can truly understand

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