By Slug
Date: 30 September 2000

The First Taste

I've erred on the side of romance
              I paused and let you take your course
            I waited in the wings and watched you dance.
                           You watched me.
                         We watched each other
                                              Even when we weren't dancing.
I'm fall
somewhere new -
                I'll follow you
         and the lusty-like will be true...
             ...and the skies are REALLY blue where I'm from...
                       blue and pink and hazy...
                                                   ...on fire.
the lights of the nights -
the stars on the cars -
the sighs in your eyes...
rhyming this morning -
(what a surprise!)

because there's a point,
(and it's your lips...and your hands...and your eyes...)
                         I'm going to memorize you.
                         I'm going to know you.
                         I'm going to kiss you
                     I have big plans for you (buster)

                     I just waited for you to be ready.
I'm going to turn your ignition-
(the one that's illegal in most states)
                                -and take my foot of the brakes
                                -and slam on the gas
                                -and drive...
                                                  maybe you should drive...
          I can taste you (again)
                       because I'm human,
                               I'm an animal
                       I'm (quoting Coupland) eating you.

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