Date: 26 October 2000

Worth Eternal Damnation

I was wondering why
You were holding me so close
I thought it was just a hug
Then you pulled me softly closer
And you bent your head down
Your lips met mine
In this amazing flash
The sweetness overcame me
And for a moment I couldn't move
I simply stood there, pressed to you
But, then my limbs awoke
And I returned your kiss
And there was nothing better
Than that feeling
That I felt
You were so warm and so inviting
So comforting and strong
And I leaned my soul against you
Forgot that it was wrong
To be with you, like this
You gently moved me backward
And I leaned upon your car
You leaned on me
And I let my hips dig in to yours
I could feel every inch of your body
Pressed so lovingly into mine
This was as close to heaven
That anyone could get--
With clothes on
So, we drove eachother to madness
Simply with that kiss
Kisses, I should say
And we didn't dare risk more
For the world was watching
And everyone knew that I loved you
And everyone knows that I still do
It doesn't matter
If your gone now
Because all I have to do
Is close me eyes
And lean up against a car
And I'm back to that afternoon
When we became more than friends
After we had said we wouldn't
And those kisses
Were beyond words
I simply cannot do them justice
Just think of the perfect kiss
With the right amount of pressure
And feeling
And times that feeling by a million
Taken to the depths of infinity
And you'll barely have a glimpse
Of the feelings
That I felt
Of the sensations
That you created
So, even though there are memories
That bring tears to my eyes
Above them all I remember
Leaning up against your car
Holding heaven in my arms
Making love to you with heated looks
Wrapping my body around you
Finding that each tantalizing kiss
Each moment
Was worth eternal damnation

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