By candyman
Date: 17 August 2000

Down, Baby, Down

Down, baby, down, across my big waterbed
Down, baby, down, across my big waterbed
Whatever games you have in your mind
We'll play 'em as we bump-n-grind

Down, baby, down, across my big waterbed
Stay, baby, stay, stay with your hombre awhile
Until da break of dawn, let me see you make him horny
His clothes are soiled and so are his mittens
'Cause he got into the pie without permission

And you're the best thing that he's ever seen
Why wait any longer to taste the cream
You can have your cake and eat it too
Why wait any longer to open that mouth
I'm standing above you
waitin' to go down south

Down, baby, down, across my big waterbed
Stay, baby, stay, and give your daddy some head
Lick my lollipop and I'll butter your bread
I long to reach for you in the night
Stay, baby, stay, play Bedrock
you be Wilma, I'll be Fred

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