By Gala
Date: 28 December 2000


The heart stands alone and lonesome.
raw with the scouring
of a dozen desert winds
the old makrs keloid healed
shiny with wear---
And I would offer you
this dogeared
godawful remnant---
but lord, I have my pride.
How can I hand you something
pitiful thin---
tainted with anorexia
it wanted to eat---
but it's forgotten how to,
and now it doesn't trust itself
to know hunger from need
doesn't feel the gnawing
because long ago it accepted
less than it needed
as all it was allowed to have.
I didn't make the rules
that say the heart apart
must yearn and long.
But darling one,
in a perfect world
I would already be in your arms
leaning into your wide embrace,
instead of wondering why
I am frozen here
heart in my mouth
tasting copper and regret
and wanting to be there
right there---
where five steps
would close the distance
between two lives
and make me yours for good.

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