By Ali
Date: 8 December 2000

I Knew You

Fallen far
Fallen fast
Fallen down
Fallen hard
Dreamed a dream
That never was
That never will be
That never could be
All is broken
All destroyed
My heart
A fragile peice of glass
Thrown from the highest peak
Of  Mt. Everest
I wander away from everything
I wander away from myself
I cannot stand this
What we've become
Which is people
Who used to know
Who used to know
What the other
Was thinking
I knew you better
Thne I knew myself
And you always knew
Everything I was feeling
But that's all gone now
And it grieves me so
It makes me weak
I just can't belive
How things are
What we've lost
And today
When I saw you
I almost didn't recognize
Your face
And all my thoughts
Ran together
As I stood still, frozen
As we just stared
At eachother
Recognizing, realizing
All that had changed
I smiled
You smiled
Then without a word
We both walked off
On our separte ways

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