By Abe Ramos
Date: 26 December 2000


From the very moment that I met you
From that first glance
That first dance
That first embrace
That first kiss
I knew then
That I would fall in love with you

I want you
I need you
I want to kiss you
I need to love you
I want to hold you
I need your love in return
Like no other

You make me feel so alive
You make me feel so much joy
Better than any drug
Better than any material thing
Better than I could have ever imagined
Better than any story book
Better than this poem could ever express

Near and far I have searched
For that elusive, unattainable, true love
The love that slips through fingers
and falls through cracks
But thanks to my precious Baby Doll
I search no more, for love found me
Thanks to my one and only true love


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