Date: 17 December 2000

I miss you

You used to teach me the things I wanted to learn
How it felt to be in love and how it felt to be loved.
You taught me how to swim and keep my head above water.
When it came to life I knew I would not drown.

Things became so easy for you.
If you needed it I was there.
Somehow things were different my education was complete.
You had only one last lesson to teach me.
Life is cruel and unfair.

You left me for someone I trusted.
You played it out while I carried you on my back.
I gave you everything you needed all the while
you were off building a new relationship.
While I worked you played and while I slept you
haunted me.

The hardest part of loving someone is to stop.
I still fight everyday to give that up.
You are off somewhere with him and I am here left to wonder.
All the while leaving my heart hemoraging in my hands.
It was the only I gave you that you bothered to return.

- To you my love you will never be forgotten

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