By Mirabeau
Date: 5 April 2001

Acid Tears

They squeezed their way
from eyes shut tight against such betrayal.
I am not supposed to be hurt,
my chest is not supposed to go tight,
in an icy hot lump
that cuts off my breath.
I know you did nothing wrong---
and you say that as long as you don't dance
it shouldn't matter.
But she calls you love names,
looks at you like she can already taste your kiss
and dreams of your touch
right out loud, for anyone to hear.
She would touch you as I do,
slide her fingers to the secret places,
and make your sighs her own,
but it shouldn't matter, you say.
You are mine heart, body and soul.
You say that men have wanted me,
and gotten right in your face---
and if you felt this way
then I am god's own fool
for not knowing.
I know you are not looking,
but it still makes my eyes burn
when she acts like
you are someone she already owns
and I cannot even say that i love you,
because I don't have the right.
And now I have to hide acid tears
lest the burn you
like they burn me.

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