By Harem   (
Date: 24 April 2001

< Hay Ride >

Hay Ride

Pulling me up beside you,
in the sun warmed hay
Falling back together into the oat straw
thick  prickly cushioned wagon

Grins rupturing into galloping giggles
Rolling back and forth with the wagons jiggle
With the stomping of the hoofs as the horses snort
Treading the trail,  as they gently  pull the cart

Lying so close with the sky in our eyes
The blueness pouring down around us
Solar rays grazing and teasing our flushed faces
Farm air so pure, a heated coolness laced with lilies

Our nostrils fill with scents of dirt and rising dust
Distant streams bubbling  misty  waters
The breeze of Cows and pigs mingled with chicken coops
Honeysuckle spewing its nectar in a  fragrant trail

The world is ours today, bumping and riding in heavenly hay
Carefree hearts filled with natures way
Chirping meadow larks creasing the sky above
They sing of love.

Buzzing bandits chasing for  access to natures breath
Teasing the flowers  to surrender, their tender breast
To touch, and take their swollen treats
Nibbling and sucking their pollen teats

Wooden wheels hitting a stone, jerking our ride
Thowing me into your arms, at just the right time
Your lips brush mine,  touching  my nose
A gentle breeze,  a  tickled  sneeze

Blocking out the sunlight with my honey long locks
As I lean to kiss your waiting lips,  your rosey cheeks
Repaying my tease with your firm embrace
Rolling me over in the tufts of hay......This summer day...


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