By Harem
Date: 16 April 2001

~ The Nightengale Calls ~

The Nightengale calls,  all night and all day
Persuasive sweet song,  trying to say

What's in his heart, what  he desires
Releasing his wants, who he admires

His melody warbles, deep from his throat
Projecting his love, with each  treble note

Straining each stanza, achieving perfection
Pouring his heart out,  in her direction

Molding his song,  making it mellow
Giving it wings, painted  in  yellow

Lyrics of passion,  formed without words
Attracting attention,  of feminine birds

Many will listen,  enjoy the sweet song
Meant to persuade ,  and bring her along

To his direction, to his radiant gaze
Charmed by his singing, each lovely phrase

One little damsel,  will heed his sweet call
Repond to his voice,  in love with him fall

Be drawn to his way, and to his  nest
Recognize him,  above all the  rest

The Nightengale calls, he knows what to say
With words made of melody, in his own special way

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ ~ ~

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