By Ali
Date: 3 April 2001


I should be long gone, by now
But, no, I'm still here, livin' this life
Dreamin' too much, almost to a fault
Trying to avoid the pain I feel
Striving to out run this deep ache
Lying to the world, because they don't want to hear the truth
Talking just to hear the sound of my own voice
My voice seems so far away to me, and all these words seem so frail...
The meaning has fallen apart, broken apart, and been lost
The key is gone, but the lock is still here
Rusted, and half-forgotten
I can find solace nowhere, though I seek it, fiercely
I am at a loss, quite tired of this place
Tired of this place, without you
Because, now, it seems so empty, so cold
And I can barely stand on my own, nowhere to rest my weary head
Your shoulder nowhere in sight, your voice out of earshot
So I listen to Bob Marley, because you made me love his music
I hear Bob Marley sing:
"Everything's gonna be alright...Everything is gonna be alright..."
And I'm hoping to God, that his words are true...

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