By Harem
Date: 6 April 2001

` The Girl Who Cried, "WOLF" ! ! `

We all know the story
Now with a Twist

To her it was all so real
Shouting on the rooftops
The love of a lifetime
God had sent 'HIM' to her

FINALLY, the real thing this time

Everyone gathered to look
Parties ensued
Family and friends Oooohhed
She blushed and smiled

He cried -

And so she was

Thought he was her FRIEND

So the wolf declaration
Became old and boring
After too many screams of joy
What, another BOY ?
You know the charmo typo Guy

Then one day, out of the woods
Strutting like an invisible peacock
A Wolf with no teeth, no fangs
No drool dripping from his lips
Not even slobbering poetry

No sign from heaven
Not even a drum roll
No pealing bells
No lightening bolts

Just small sensitive eyes
Unobtrusive ways
Smooth gravy with no lumps
Secure in himself
Nothing to prove

Kinda snuck up on me
When my back was turned
Sending goosebumps chills
With his touch

But Grandma better watch out
His teeth might be ground smooth
But he's got what it takes
To take what you got
And then some

So Grandma Girl began to think
about shouting
Nope, nope, nope
Not this time
Don't want to wake the neighbors

This is one wolf
That I might like chasing me
Might even let him catch me
Without so much as one scream
We'll leave that for later.

So the worst fate in the fairytale
is being devoured by the wolf
Hey, I told you this tale had a twist.


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