You are getting so beautiful they will have to make passport pictures of you 9 feet tall. What do you really want to do for a life work? Break everybody's heart for a dime? You could always break mine for a nickel and I'd bring the nickel.
--Ernest Hemingway to Marlene Dietrich

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < may 2007 >
One of the latest Blender Digests ever! Your lazy Blender-Keeper was lucky to get this one out before May was over. But... also one of the ones most worth waiting for, especially for the fearsome and fearless prose submitted by the Blenderites in April.

Please read and enjoy, and put your voice in on our community of writers and readers.
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

from the Inferno: Canto V - Dante/John Ciardi
A fine and sensual bit of a classic epic (as quoted in "The Sixteen Pleasures", Robert Hellenga's fine novel)

All Words are Worlds - Ali
Accusation of a faithless one.

Judith Viorst on Love
J. D. Salinger from "Catcher in the Rye"
Buckminster Fuller on Love
Three quotes collected by B.K.

Dreams from my darkest - Star of David
A decade might not be enough.

Flake - Savannah Haze
A pull-no-punches tale of a broken relationship.

un moment mal - briana kassia
Absence makes the heart grow achey.

Sometimes you think
I'd say Chris sent in some brilliant work last month, as heat shimmery and gritty as the land he writes on. Chris had an

sweet and easy - lilla
"I know this one hurts --- it was meant to."

afflicted - aparajita
Little, lithe, lonely loveliness.

serpents and vines - darwin
Probably the most poetic prose this month... very vivid in a minimalist way.

only true - i'm just him
The dumb logic of love.

Dust Bunnies and Tragedies - cjking / hairdiva
Requiem for love.

Vaquero Way - Abogada / Abogadalbny
A new language.

A is for Apple - not*about*you
Color me.

Notice Me - AnimatedVixen99
A new voice on the Blender.

Passion's Grace - acfernandez
Another new voice on the Blender, luxuriant poetry.

Heart on Sleeve Corner
82 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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