The Blender Survey Question

Do you feel more romantic in the spring time? Why/why not?
aparajita yes i do... i think it is because mainly that winter is death to me. a piece of me dies and loses hope. spring brings back that breath of life, renews hope. symbolic that if the flowers and trees can survive the harshness of winters cold then i can survive the harshness of the empty embrace of loneliness.
B.K. Not really, though spring and fall are my two favorite seasons. I think romance and passion are relative to any time or season when the cosmos is atmospherically charged for lovemaking.
i'm just him yeah alittle bit, the spring time gives you more things to do with your loved you, things you couldn't do in the other 3 seasons
Sarah143 Yes, To see a bright brillant sky with thousands of stars on a warm night and to know the balmy air of summer is coming with it's rich floral perfume makes my heart feel lighter somehow.
Misti Absolutely. Something about the pollen in the air and the gentle beginning of sun baked days.

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