By Me aka Niki
Date: 2001 May 06
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Somehow, over the months
Somehow, over the years
He has scared me
Somewhere I once read
" Love is like a knife,
It can stab the heart or carve beautifull images that will last a lifetime"
And I know
That he is engraved my heart
Someday when I'm old
I'll tell my childeren a story
About a girl hopelessly in love with a boy
Maybe I won't remember every angle of his face
But I'll remember the way his eyes looked at me
Maybe I won't remember anything about him
But I'll know his name and I wont forget the memories
Maybe I can't describe the pain because it's faded away
But I won't forget
Because somehow over time
He made his way into my heart
And with his knife he carved his very existence