By Elaina
Submitted by blue sky to your clouds
Date: 2001 May 13
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She's Afraid

She stumbles through routine.
She finds sanction in you. But
you hurt her more than tears
can repair. She's so afraid to
loose you, she just with stands
all the heartache and constant
chaos. Never knowing what you'll
say tomorrow, she stays, and if
it stings she'll put a band-aide
over it and wait until it heals
to discuss the wound. She's scared
to ask herself what she's doing here,
afraid she'll have no answer, so
she grins. and bears it. As long
as you stay, she'll cast aside all
intuition and pretend her consciences
doesn't exist. She wonders how someone
with such poisonous words can have such
sweet kisses. How can you contradict
yourself over and over. Because she'll
remain after the confusion has settled
and she no longer loves you? She knows
what she'll do after all is said and done,
but right now she's drowning in an endless
sea of questions and assumptions. She knows
what she must do, but I'm scared.