By TheDubalPoet
Submitted by TheDubalPoet
Date: 2001 May 25
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Two of a heart

Brown hair and sweet smiles
How I have dreamed about you
Day in and day out without fail
you dance in my mind
It has been so long
Since your comforting voice
Has brushed against these longing ears
Leaving them desolate and abandoned
If I could see you... I might cry
Is there a substitution for my love?
I have tried to give it away
Now I feel left and dejected
My prayers continue
Filling the temple with tears
My ring serves as a reminder
of a bond I would never want to break
Sitting together in a small booths
sharing smiles and laughs
Oh, how I miss you....
At nights I look at that tassel
Yet it hangs so limp
Lifeless like the emotions in my heart
To spend time with you again would be so nice
Laughing and singing
Yes the Lord does comfort me
This will always be true
Yet, there is a piece of my life
That has been dark
My life has been bottled up
Because you are not there to listen
When you read this my friend
Try not to cry...Cause I am not there to hold you
I am trying to carry strong, but at times I need you
That certain someone to share my joy
That certain someone to share my cries
If I do not talk to you again soon
Please keep me in prayer always
No matter what may happen
I am always here for you
And I truly love you!
May our Lord look over you
and keep you safe.......

Love, Justin