By TheDubalPoet
Submitted by TheDubalPoet
Date: 2001 May 28
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Complex Simplicity

Another day to struggle by
Another day I just want to fly

I want to reach new heights
Traveling far above the busy lights

A solitude place with no distractions
Just love, peace, and satisfaction

Sweet love that nobody can supply
No matter how hard or long they try

Peace leaving me tranquil
Keeping me sound and fulfilled

Satisfaction in everything I see
Oh, it only seems but a dream

Reality kicks in and it disappears
From mind are all these things cleared

Staring into an empty glass
Life has to be greater than this trash

Nothing ever goes right
Hate and disgust fills my sight

Can anything break these boundaries
Does anyone here my pleas?

Then like a fire from paradise
YOU came into my life

A death upon a cross
The blood that you lost

It payed for my life
Erasing my strife

You opened up my eyes
Seeing things that are so evident in life

Like how your hands
They created everything in this land

How your love is our hope
That is tied around our hearts like rope

The peace I found
I can take it in and spread it around

Oh, and the satifaction
Of following you in all my actions

If you can compare
I would ask you to please share

I have tasted the fruits of lust
And in them have placed my trust

They let me down
Dragged me around

Now, I have the answers of life
I know what is wrong and right

Hope in God is far greater
than gaining this world, and paying for it later

My soul is secure in Jesus
In him I have placed my trust

I pray you would do the same
Cause the the things of this world, they are just wane