By Tragedy
Date: 2001 Jun 16
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Damaged beyond repair

I should be grateful and happy
But I am damaged
No longer can I love

Savoring pain
Languishing in longing
Comfortable in being crushed

Never satisfied
Seeking perfection always
Never finding it

Judging relationships by the sex
Never enough
Never hot enough, long enough, good enough

I am damaged
I fear beyond repair
I fear happiness

Destined to be alone
Running from love
Fleeing from closeness

Wanting what I cannot have
Having what I do not want
Scared to be touched

My happiness lies in tears
My joy bathes in bitterness
Rejection is my reward

At this very moment
I want to be slapped
and hit into sensibleness

If only physical pain
Could drown the pain of soul
The torture of my own feelings

I can love, only that which hurts
Craving the evil touch
The hand of hate

A kind and gentle lover
is handed to me on a silver platter
And I loose my appetite

The answer to my prayers
lies at my feet
and I kick him aside

The heated hand of lust
Touches my breast
And I push it away

A beating heart of desire
Beckons me
And I turn away

Soulful love calls me
And I cover my ears
So not to hear

Screaming and crying
I run
I hide
