By shawanda
Submitted by shawanda
Date: 2001 Jun 20
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Love is a Fool

I am raw.
Filled with a grief that cannot be explained or mentioned in passing.

I see a couple feeding each other linguine at a restaraunt, and feel pathetic.

I can't rest.
Sleep doesn't come easily for me since you have gone.
The dreams I have are pathetically filled with your face looking down on me.
I want to reach for you, but when I do, I wake up.

"Morgan:" I plead silently to myself, "What have I done?"

My nerves are making me do the most unconventional things.
Yesterday, I contemplated skydiving, which usually freaks me out.

Foolish, flooded girl.

Thinks she has done something wrong, when nothing has been done at all.
When will she ever rest?

I see many rising suns and moons by myself now.
Every day is becoming less without you.
Night after night I become more exhausted, less willing to watch the moon rise.

Each day is getting easier to function, and be more of who I was before I met you.
The wounds are slowly beginning to heal.

I still wait for the day that I don't remember your familiar smell, touch, or the way you used to look at me.

That day is getting closer.