By Sati
Date: 2001 Jun 21
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Can You

Can you still smell me?
Taking me in with every breath
Can you still taste me?
A constant tingling upon your lips
Can you still hear me?
Moans echoing in your mind
Can you still feel me?
Your body moving perfectly with mine

Every moment craving your touch
Waiting impatiently for my next fix
To feel your lips roaming my body
Hands caressing my skin so softly
The exhilaration of being filled up
With the weight of your body on mine
Off your beautiful body I so wish to dine

The passion between us is next to none
There is no denying the desires we feel
That is like denying that the sun will rise
Or that the moon still hangs in the sky
Someday we may be ready to feel it
So we can make love throughout the night
And wake up with only each other in our sights

To MJ- I hope someday we will both be ready
to explore all the possibilities between us