By Joseph Allen Hardy
Submitted by Max-Rom
Date: 2001 Jul 01
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A Little Death

With your love comes
just a little more death.

Each time you say those words
'I love you.'
Is a fresh dagger slicing through
my star-eyed heart.

This sadness trickling
into the cup of my feelings
Blankets the others
And the numbness returns.

I can't hold your voice.
Neither can I stroll with your words.

I need to experience you.

The easy part was falling into this
The hard task is how to pick myself up

How can you say
that with each passing day
our closeness grows without delay?

When your eyes are not focusing on mine,
My skies turn gray.

I just want a sound-proof world
where noone can hear the silence echoing
Inside the cavity of my heart.

(c)2001, Joseph Allen Hardy