By Zero #1
Date: 2001 Jul 14
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Gravity of Jupiter

I wonder what they all expect me to do now
Me being half of what I was
I feel ripped apart inside, no burned apart
by some unstoppable flame
I feel as if my entire life was sliced in two
me remembering half,,,
the other half dying somewhere, I just don't know
All I know is, that I hurt,,I ache,
My chest feels like someone has put me on jupiter,
to let the pressure crush me slowly,,
but it won't stop
no kind words from other people
no phone calls from my friends
I can't even look at my own reflection...
all it does is remind me of what I've lost
   Losing a battle. I feel like I've done that.
Like I was the only survivor to a great war
kept prisoner in a dungeon...
I feel like that
Our memories
our thoughts that we shared
everything is just...gone
In one instant it all vanished like smoke,
ya, smoke
Till all I could do was choke
on the very thing that meant the most to me.