By Zero #1
Date: 2001 Jul 21
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Forever in a Heartbeat

Somethings I admit,
I never see
Other things just hide themselves,
not letting me see,
but when the time comes for me to finally get a glimpse,
I close my eyes,
refusing to see,
but I couldn't then
The Only thing I could do was embrace you,
hold you close against my body,
letting the snow fall down, down, resting itself upon us
like two trees in a blizzard, we weathered the storm,
and let the rays of spring fill us with strenght once again
and now I see
for once I actually see
not the leaves,
not the trees,
not even the blinding rays of the sun can block this out
..when I held you against me, and we waited,
I was almost sure
that I saw a heartbeat.