By Ali
Date: 2001 Aug 03
Comment on this Work

Madness, Foolishness, Life

All the world's a stage, a cage, an empty rage
A heated look, a casual glance
A well-known stranger, with an unfamiliar life
Jumping from one extreme to the other, on a whim
It's a never-ending battle, to not just muddle through
But, to rise above it all, and do cartwheels in the sky...
There's Hell in my eyes, but Heaven in my touch
It's a constant balance, a constant test, a constant choice
And that's something that I didn't know before
So, it seems to me that I've changed a little, lately
That I've grown, in some ways, for the better
But mostly, I'm still the same girl you knew
With a mending heart, and a ready smile
With that same silly tendency to be naive
'Cause I still believe in miracles, and in fairytales
I can see goodness in the very heart of darkness
Just as I saw the light in your eyes
I still can see it, even now...
But, I am no fool, I am no stranger to your ways
I know there are times where you simply refuse to see things
You just close your eyes, and turn your head away
I guess we all are guilty of doing that, now and then
When there are things we do not want to see, and acknowledge
But, this time, you've given the Devil his due
This time, for the first time perhaps, your eyes are open
And you see exactly what it is that you have done
But, there is no blame, for there is no crime
We are all only human, subject to error, prone to mistakes
And it's all just madness, foolishness, life...