By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 Aug 23
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A 'Forever' Type of Place

If only there were words to say
What I'm feeling, now, for you
The time we spend in ecstasy
Sensations, oh so new

The way I feel, when you talk to me
With your warm and gentle way
Attention, you shower on me constantly
The things you do and say

The softened breeze in the afternoon
On a balmy spring like day
It moves my hair in gentle caress
As you chase my cares away

And then the times, that are so intense
As they peak and crash and break
When we climb the heights of mountain tops
Diving into passions lake

The tranquil feel of water flow
When its warm and slowly moves
While it trickles down a summer's stream
As it fills the turns and grooves

The aftermath of fires glow
As it fills my heart and mind
Enwrapping me deeply in your arms
Our bodies soul entwined

You keep me in a state of bliss
A place called, "satisfied"
You give me all my hearts request
Where desires are not denied

The only word that comes to mind
When I think of your sweet face
Is the word  "CONTENT"  in every way
A 'forever' type of place.
