By Sage
Date: 2001 Nov 23
Comment on this Work

Over and Over

You keep telling me constantly
the same thing.
over and over and over
You keep repeating
what I already know.
over and over and over and over
alright already !
why must you keep repeating it?

Day in and day out
the same thing.
over and over and over and over
I hear it at night before we got to bed
the first thing each morning you tell me
you even wake me up in the middle of the night
to tell me.
Sometimes you even call me at work
just to tell me
the same thing.
over and over and over.

Why must you keep repeating yourself ?
Don't you think that by now, I already know ?
If you tell me,  "I Love You",  one more time
I think I'll scream !


Silly Sarcasm..... / Every Woman's Dream