By Max-Rom
Date: 2001 Nov 27
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Stars Through The Smog...

Through the air, flooded with smog
A heartbeat floated closer to mine
I felt a slow tingling, the kind that can't be denied
Wondering how love found ME this time.

Your eyes stood out from all the exhalers of CO2
How is it I managed to somehow find YOU?
So used to the bleeding heart with which I existed
Until a panacea of you came and mended
The tattered remnants of my life force
Could it be that this pain has all ended?

Maybe its real this time
You could be what's been keeping me sleepless
all these nights in Seattle...
Maybe your the sword I'll use
to win this love battle.

Whatever the answers,
I do know this truth...
You've gotten so close
I think your that star
I just might reach.

As I gaze out the window
of my two-story place
I'm thinking of what it might be like
If I could just feel your face.

It's getting quite late
and I'm so weary my dear,
I can't understand why
my eyes are dropping these tears...

And as I slowly pour my glass
of sweet bedtime milk,
I now know why I never unwrapped
those bed dressings of silk.

11/27/01 ~Max~