By Lar Lar
Date: 2001 Nov 30
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Can't Get No Satisfaction

I want a boy that is deep
That challenges me instead me challenging him.
I want to ask him what he is thinking,
and for him to reply with some deep intellect that makes me think and wonder.

You think it would be easy to find at a college,
but I keep on getting the frat boys that just wanna fuck me.
I've been through so many in such a short time.

I want to go to an art show on a date,
and for him to teach me all about art.
I want to go to plays and stay up all night talking about their plot development.
I want to discuss English sonnets.
I want someone with true intelligence.

So what if I'm in a sorority?
I want to spend time with the guys in my Sociology class that always debate with the teacher.
Most of the time I drink beer, but that's just because of a lack of other things to do.
I've been known to get up on the bar and dance,
but I would like to sit and talk all night too.

A good man is so hard to find.
I am tired of guys that just want to satisfy me in bed, I want someone to satisfy my mind.