By nzgoddess
Date: 2002 Jan 08
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Power Play and Soul Mates

I'll do anything for you
When I'm in the right mood
Just ask from your heart
Don't expect

Because if you expect
I won't do it

I think this is my power stuff...

But where does it come from?
Sometimes I think this is ancient karmic stuff
Your Pluto falls in my 7th House conjunct my Descendent
(yeah astro-wafffle I know)
But you know what that means?

Power stuff....

"When a man's Pluto falls in the seventh house
of his female partners horoscope,
and more particularly,
Conjunct the Descendent
The relationship with him may
Test her capacity for total co-operation.......

I reackon......

But guess what?

This makes me totally aware (apparently)
Of what I want in a partner
That there's a hidden side of me (read: subconscious)
That needs to be entirely transformed
Before we can have a completely satisfying relationship..

Okays - I'm up for it
Hope you are too

Cause I think this ancient karmic dance
And interchange of energies
(albeit slightly skew-wiff ones)
Is Us coming together as one again
And healing conflicts from the earliest times of planetary existence.

Because we were God/dess's
And when we split and fell
We failed to see that we were both as creative as each other
We forgot we were once One
And that our energies in unison are divine
Each with our own special abilities
And each with our own special kind of love
Give and receive/ying and yang
We gotta have the balance.....


How do we deal with this stuff when it comes up?
Are we prepared to talk, negotiate and love?
Are we prepared to power share?
Cause neither of us (it appears)
Wants to be vulnerable...

Power stuff.....