By Jon
Date: 2002 Jan 11
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Caller ID

The phone is ringing.

"Its not you!  Its not you!  Its not you!"

I keep telling myself that, but a part of me is hoping that when I pick up that phone and place it to my ear I'll hear your voice on the other end.


I run to pick it up, a million thoughts and questions racing through my head as I fumble around trying to find the phone.

"What if I don't answer it in time and the answering machine picks up?"

"What if its just a salesperson offering me deals on my long distance plans?"

"What if it isn't even you?"

"What if I don't get to the phone on time and you hang up?"

I finally find the phone, catch my breath and press the "Talk" button and say "Hello" hoping I'll be hearing you saying "Hello" back to me.

But instead...

I don't hear your voice, but rather the silent sound of rejection in anothers.