By Jon
Date: 2002 Feb 11
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I'd talk to her, but then I'd have to talk

She's cute.

I'm sitting here in the library right next to her pretending to study, but really, I'm just staring at her.  I'm sitting so close I can almost smell what she ate this morning.  I wonder if she think's I'm weird.  I mean I don't even know this girl.  I just accidently sat by her.

Okay so I'll admit it.

I followed her here.  

I'm no stalker It's just that I notice her pass me by every single Tuesday and Thursday on my way to Sociology class.  Each time I swear to myself I'll speak and say something to her, but each time the words just never leave my mouth and she walks into her class.

Damnit I should have taken the class she is taking

I don't even know her name all I know is that I love her eyes.  She looks Japanese so I'm guessing her green eyes are fake...maybe she's mixed.  People always say mixed people are beautiful..and if she's mixed then she's living proof.  

It's a Friday night.  What kind of girl is the library on a Friday night?  Well, I guess I should be asking myself the same question...hmm we have something in common already.

I wonder if she has a boyfriend...probably does.  I bet he's rich and drives a Cadillac Escalde or something big and fancy.  He probably doest apperciate her.  I mean she's in the library on a Friday night, if I was her boyfriend I'd take her out or at least be in the library with her.

Okay so maybe she doesn't have a boyfriend.

This is the closest I've been to her and you know what?  I'm loving it.  I haven't had this big of a crush on someone since I was in grade school and this feels great.

Oh no she's getting up to leave!

I should say something.  Okay okay here it goes..


She's smiling!  She's smiling!  Oh thank the Heavens she's smiling!  Oh she's sitting back down!

Wow...she has a killer smile.

I can get used to this...