By Jon
Date: 2002 Feb 12
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Calling her bluff

She called him at work and told him she was leaving.

He didn't understand her, he couldn't give her what she wanted, he wasn't the same man she fell in love with is what she told him.

He didn't believe her or rather wouldn't.

"She's bluffing. She would never leave me." he thought to himself

He gets home smelling like old whiskey and scented perfume(like countless nights before). He opens the car garage too much surprise.

Her car isn't there.

"Oh well, she must be out with her friends." he thinks to himself.  He walks into the house expecting to smell the sweet aroma of dinner, maybe tonight, she cooked him his favorite meal lasagna.  But when he walks into the living room and takes a deep breath in...

He smells nothing.

He finds the lasagna thawing in the kitchen sink.  It was one of those you buy from the stores, all that needed to be done now was for it to be thrown into the oven.  He remembers the first time she had cooked him lasagna, it was on their sixth month anniversary.  She had put candles all throughout the room and sprinkled rose petals all across the floor and hand fed him the lasagna. "When was the last time I told her that I appreciate everything she has done for me? Have I ever?" he thinks to himself.

He is beginning to miss her.

He goes over to his chair to watch some television and wait for her so he could tell her how much he missed her.  He remembers the day they bought his chair, they had just moved in together and were very tight on expenses, but somehow over the course of a few months she had saved up enough money to buy him his dream lazy-boy chair.  "What a sweet sweet woman" he thinks to himself.

He decides that he is going to wait downstairs until she came home so he could wrap her up in his arms and tell her how much he loved her and that from now on he was new man and she would be his queen.

So he waits.

2 am rolls by and he thinks that she's just out having a really good time with his friends.  It's around 4 am that he starts to realize that she isn't coming home.  He continues to deny it and decides to go upstairs to their room and just go to sleep and when he wakes up she will be right next to him sleeping on his shoulder.

He makes his way up each stair very slowly.  Hoping that he'll hear her breathing and she was in the room all along.

He doesn't hear anything.

He finally makes it right outside their bedroom door.  He notices a few pictures hanging outside near the door.  He's holding her close and she's looking up at him all eyes on him and he's staring at the camera adamant and confident.  He never loved her the way she loved him.  He finally opens the door and notices something on his pillow.

It's an envelope with his name on it.  He picks it up and drops it to the floor.  "She'll be coming home any minute now" he thinks to himself.  He slips into bed pulling the covers over his head...and he pulls her pillow in close and holds it close to his heart.  It smells exactly like her and he takes it all in.  He tries to pretend that she is right there with him.  "I love you" he whispers.

And he cries himself to sleep.