By Me aka Niki
Date: 2002 Feb 27
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Get over it

I guess I still care, well I know I do
And I can't let you go so easily
I keep bringing up the past, keep working on your nerves
Until the point that you said
"Get over it, damn it"
One of those things that doesn't hurt right then and there Makes you angry first and then takes effect on you when anger leaves and makes room for the hurt
I said I hated you, knowing it would hurt you, and because I do hate you for these tears you have inflicted on me
Vowing I would ignore you, not call on your birthday, forgetting you, and breaking the special bond you always said we shared
You said I drove you to the point of saying that
I know I drove you to a lot
But I still hold it against you that you talked and did the way you did
Wasn't I that special person, the unique person, the person that has a special place in your heart,forever?
You drove me to the point of trying to kick you out of my heart, push you out of my mind, squeeze you away from my soul
Even though I can't, I'll keep on trying
Because this morning the first thing I thought was "Get over it, damn it"
Well this time I will..