By angieubaldo
Date: 2002 Mar 01
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love me

Love me,
When I burn to exit my skin.
When my walls come crashing down
Rescue me,
From the rubble of my brokenness.
Love me unconditionally,
Even when I break your heart.
I am sorry,
Even I loathe myself,
For just not, getting it...
For being so dependent on others,
To fill that spot inside me where my loneliness lives...
Kiss my three heads,
And make it all better
Wipe the tears from my eyes and make everything feel alright.
I am sorry I place that burden on you,
To love me
Even though I do not quite understand how relationships work
I do not know how to make you happy
But I still love you with all my heart,
I would give everything to you
If you asked.
I know I ask a lot,
But just now
Love me,
When all else fails
because i love you
and i always will
even when i push you away
deep down i will love you