By Cyan
Date: 2002 Mar 09
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An Article of His Clothing

He left behind a sweater one night
his favorite-(the one with I love Jesus on the front)
although not a religous man, but spiritual
We've broken up since. He asks about it
sometimes when we speak. Maybe it's just
to strike up a conversation in these
awkward moments of small talk, i'm not sure,
but I never tell him I have it, for fear he may
take it away. As he did my heart, my soul, my being

I'm 5'6. He's 6'1. It swallows me whole
I laugh at the thought
The sleeves hang over my arms and it comes right
above my knees, but i'm content to have this mantle

The scent of his cologne remains after all these months
The smell is unique. An emblem of himself, strange but sweet

I wear it through the nights, trading in my pajamas
I'ts a familiarlity, a reminder of what once was
A sense of amenity, a sense of love

When my friends are around they catch me stealing
a sniff of it's fragrance
They think I'm nuts, but I don't care

I've lost myself in this aroma
It's my comfort, my home