By Cyan
Date: 2002 Mar 14
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Give Me Forever

Love is not oblivious of time
It fades away
Like a virginal rose
It's luster soon dies
it's petals, dry and cracked
the beauty long forgotten

Love doesn't know eternity
They've never met
it knows mortality all too well
losing a part of itself with every fleeting moment
but it gains it all back with the heart of fools-
an entity in space,it gives and takes as seasons pass us by

My beau, let us not fall victim to this evil
let us rid ourselves of this anodyne
for as beautiful a feeling it is,
it is mere dust in the wind
there is no valid reason for it's existence
except for this natural high

This sensation raises our senses to amazing heights
-an andrenaline rush
Please, let us not become slaves
prisoners of this captivity called love

This emotion is not truth
It is falsehood, it is treachery
As any other addict will tell you
it's only short-lived pleasure

But there is another emotion in this universe
It is genuine, it is permanent
it and eternity are lovers
they create lovers among us- two bodies
living souls- interweaved into one being

Love will steal our minds, a cloud to fantasy
True love sets our path to forever, a road to reality

-a rose that blooms for all eternity