By Jon
Date: 2002 Mar 20
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Our Room

I have three bedrooms in my apartment.  One of them is mine, of course, the second room is roommates and her boyfriends. The third room, however...that was ours.

We spent many heated nights of passion in that room and we spent just as many just sitting there and talking until the sun came up.  Sometimes we would just lie there all day, I would hold you in my arms and we wouldn't say a word...but we would walk away thinking that was the best conversation we ever had.  Sometimes we would spend hours giggling like little school children in that room for hours upon hours over absolutley nothing...we would just laugh and enjoy each others smile and company.  And sometimes we would look at how "we" looked like together in the mirror.  I would hold you from behind and we would pose for the imaginary camera.  We would try out different poses and I remember one time you took my hand and placed it over your stomach and held it there for a few minutes(which seemed like an eternity)...I think you were imagining what it would be like if we were to one day have children...and I swear I think I saw my unborn son in your eyes.

"We look so good together" you would say
I never disagreed....we just fit you know?

Our relationship has long since been over and our feelings have changed since then.  And since then my roommates have turned the room into a half-assed guest room, but to me, that room will always be ours.

Sometimes I have to go into that room to get something for a guest and I pass by the mirror where we used to pose together.  I take a good hard look at myself and feel like something is missing.  I usually ignore the haunting feeling of incompleteness and sometimes, just sometimes, it overcomes me and I break down into tears.

Your memory will always remain in that room...along with a dear piece of my heart.

And there are sometimes at night when I walk past our room I swear I can still hear the echo of your laughter.  I smile and laugh a silent laugh reserved just for you.  I fight back a few tears unsuccessfully and I close the door to what once was our room and I whisper into the room and into the memory of you...

"I love you."