By Cyan
Date: 2002 Mar 22
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"Dakota, my love."
"We've been friends for years."
"How can I become your Goddess?"
"I worship the ground you walk on?"
"Sadly, I am the ground you walk on."

"How can I become the sky above and not
the dirt below?"

"Charlotte, dear sweet girl.
This cannot be. Your face is not hideous to look
upon, but nor is it beautiful.
You are a fair, plain lady-
not worthy of the title 'Goddess'."

"But Dakota, look beyond the surface.
Find your way to me, deep down inside."

"Why sweet girl? What's there?"

"My soul."

(chuckling) I can't see your soul.
What difference could it possibly make?


"Don't give up hope Charlotte.
I have a proposition for you."


Yes, I do. Become the grass that tickles my bare feet. I love it so. Become the wind that touches my skin. There's no greater feeling in the world. Become the sunset I watch in the afternoon. Become the book I read just after waking at dawn. Become all these things or nothing at all.

"Okay Dakota. Your wish is my command."

"Charlotte! Where are you?"

"I'm here Dakota, beneath you. I'm the grass.
Feel me-I'm the wind. Look at me-I'm the sunset. Go upstairs to your room. I'm the book you read. I'm all the things you love. I'm your Goddess."

"But Charlotte."

"But what?"

"There's something missing."

"What could possibly be missing Dakota. I became every pleasure you desire. I became what you requested"

I know. I know. But I can't hear you talk. I can't see you laugh. I miss our idle conversation. You're so charming and sweet. You're my love. You're....You're......You're

"Yes Dakota?"

"You're Beautiful. I can't believe i just said that. How can this be?"

"It's my soul."


"It's what I've been trying to tell you all along. Look beyond what's visible to the eye. Look at ME"

"Yes Charlotte! I can see you now. Please, don't leave me. Come back. Neither grass, nor wind, nor sunsets, nor graceful words could compare to your beauty. I've been a fool for so long. I need you here in my arms. I need to see the beauty within you.....

My Goddess, I love you