By musicalduck
Date: 2002 Apr 09
Comment on this Work

getting better

i wish you could see me. im smiling...without you. and i'm fine..without you. who would have ever thought i'd be fine without you? and ive buried everything you gave me from all the letters you wrote to our first kiss. even though ive done all of this, i dont thik im getting any better. i dont think this is getting any better. and we can pretend everything has chagned, but we both know it hasnt. and im biting my nails even more now, waiting to see if youll say anything. what what will you say this time? hey or hello? its always the same old lines and the same old smile, but this time its not the same you. i knwo youre trying your best to treat me normally, and im doing the same. i still sont think im any better. i dont think this is any better. yet, we're still holding on for a sign, for anything. i dont think this is getting any better.