By lill_hugz
Date: 2002 May 13
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I try

I try so hard..

sometimes I really feel that tommorow will be better

because things happen for a reason

and seeing I cry alone
when I'm not hoping that your good with her

that you'll show up warming all the next 4 season

Making me so stubborn

at times that I know..I know..if I just keep
on wishing that it will come true

you'll really come to me and smile

I try so hard my heart grows indenial

and breaks harder because you won't
ever pick up that phone and dial

Not sure why but nothing is keeping me
from not trying so hard

Can't help but look at the pass when you gave me that cheap
hallmark card

didn't care if it was cheap

all the while I was just thinking of how special I was
to have someone who understood why

I can't look at people in the eye
Had a coo-coo attitude at things
Never liked summer flings
And seemed to smile at the word
so it seems

Wasn't the price
It was the free-spirit when I recieved it
that made me feel like butterflies

So who could not try to try too hard
because all I need is you're love tell me
and you're cheap card.