By Jon
Date: 2002 May 14
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My friend just got back from bootcamp. He's a Marine now. It's been three months since he's seen a woman and I assumed the very first thing he would want to do when he got back was to hit the clubs, raves, bars, wherever, and find himself a woman.

I was wrong.

He just wanted to stay at my place with the rest of our friends and just talk. So we did, we just talked. We talked about pretty much everything. The meaning of life, the existence of God, the problem of evil, war, freewill versus predestination, sociology, and, of course, love.

"You know, I've been wondering why don't you want to go out and find some women?" I asked my friend.

"Haha too much time with men around him." one of my friends said.

"Shutup stupid. I don't want to go out and look for women because what's the point?"

"Well, you haven't seen a girl for the past three months. I assumed you would want to go see one when you got back."

"Yeah exactly."

"Uhh, care to explain?"

"I haven't seen a girl for the past three months. The first month at bootcamp was tough, I thought I was going to explode, but I never did. The second month I learned to live without them and the third month I learned to live without them happily."

"Yeah, sure, sounds good but isn't there a part of you that you know." I said winking

"No I don't even desire sex. You see you need to ask yourself; why do we need them so much? And after awhile you'll begin to realize that you don't need them. You see before I went into bootcamp I needed them because I wanted to need them. But now I feel like when that right girl does come along I won't need her just because she's a pretty girl and there is opportunity there I'll need her because I'll honestly need her."

"Wow, how many times did you say the word 'need' fella?" I said laughing

"One day my friend I hope you will feel the same. With all the girls you've dated this past month I thought you would understand me the most, considering you probably have the same problem."

And that's when it hit me. He was right.

"You see my friend when you're gone for three months and all you are used to is getting yelled at and taking orders, just a couple of hours like these a real good laugh means more to me than any girl."

"You're right. I love you man."

"I hate you too."

"We all love each other!" my friends shouted

And we had a great laugh.

My friend just didn't get muscles from bootcamp. He gained a strength within himself I can only hope to achieve one day.