By Me aka Niki
Date: 2002 Jun 01
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I still remember, you
I know you haven't forgotten about, me
Maybe you never want to talk to me again, maybe you can't stand me, maybe you couldn't care less, or maybe not
either way, I know you haven't forgotten
I'm still breathing, I got over you
But still miss you, sometimes, think about you, sometimes
Only not like before, not with longing or pain
Just remembering, almost with no more feeling
Guess I felt to much, to fast
Guess you couldn't commit
Either way
I still remember and I'll always noticec you not being in my life
Nothing more, no feelings attached
Just noticing that you aren't present
I asked you a long time ago, "Am I still special?"
"Not anymore"
"Don't forget about me"
"That I won't"
(Please never do)